Saturday, June 27, 2009

Library Isle

I really like this picture of one of the isles at the library. To me, it is a classic library picture.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Niagara of the West-Shoshone Falls

Shoshone Falls, so beautiful!
Me, at Shoshone Falls-the Niagara of the West. Every spring they let more water over the falls and this is the most I've seen in the 3 years I've been here. It was so gorgeous! (It was really windy, that is why my hair looks funny.)

More Ankle Stuff

My swollen ankle, a couple of days after I had out patient surgery to remove the screw.

My left ankle with the word "NO" written on it, so they did the surgery on the correct foot.

The incision after I had the staples out.

The incision from when the screw was removed. It really looked like a screw you would get at a hardware store and it was 2 1/4 inches long!

This is the bruise from the I.V. when I had the screw removed from my ankle. It looks really cool but did not hurt!

This is the boot I had to wear for 7 weeks!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Roll About

This is me on my "roll about". In this picture I am actually on my way to return it because I don't need it anymore, so it was a momentous day! I used this a lot when I was first in my walking boot. It was easier to get around the library and so much better than crutches! As you can see, I would put my injured leg on the ledge and scoot around with my good leg. It caused big stirs in the library as I would roll around. Our building supervisor teased that she needed to put a special parking permit for me out in the parking lot. She even asked if I wanted her to rig me up a motor so I didn't have push it myself! I'm so glad I'm not a pioneer.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

More National Library Week

Harry Potter with Professor Trelawney!

Staff members all dressed up!

Friday, April 17, 2009

National Library Week

It is National Library Week and the Twin Falls Public Library is celebrating 100 years of library service here in Twin Falls. To celebrate our birthday, today and tomorrow we are dressing up as our favorite literary characters, so here I am as Harry Potter. I don't have a lightning scar on my forehead because my lightning scar is on my ankle!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

You know you live in Idaho when....

You know you live in Idaho when it snows on April 15th! I thought this picture of the park across the street from the Library where I work was beautiful. The good thing is the snow is all gone today!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Broken Ankle

Some of you know that I broke my ankle on January 17, 2009. I wish I could say it was doing something cool, like skiing or ice skating, but it wasn't. I tripped stepping off a curb and came down full weight on my ankle and it broke in three places and was dislocated. It wasn't even icy! The top 2 pictures are me on my way to the doctor to have my cast removed. I'm now in a walking boot and slowly adding pressure. I could not put pressure on it for 6 weeks! My sister bought me this shirt, because she has a wicked sense of humor! The third picture is my cast with how long my leg hair had gotten and the bottom picture is my scar from the surgery after I got my cast off, oh yeah, I forgot to mention I had to have surgery to have a plate and a pin put in. I have more pictures from just after it happened but I did not want to gross anyone out, so if you want to see them, let me know, I'll email them to you.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Smithsonian Exhibit "Between Fences"

I know it has been too long since a post. I've been a little preoccupied with planning for our library to receive a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian. The exhibit is called "Between Fences", and you guessed it, it is about fences! Sounds boring doesn't it. Well, it isn't! The Smithsonian does everything well and even this exhibit about fences is fantastic! The first picture is the introduction fence (isn't the picket fence quaint), and two of the free standing exhibit boards describing different aspects of fences.

Picture 2 is a display I created of 6 local history pictures that I had blown up to poster size. The pictures are of historical fences from this area. Picture 3 is the other 3 free standing boards. Picture 4 is of the people who put the exhibit together, and picture 5 is the cake we served at the open house celebrating the exhibit earlier this week. Enjoy!