Friday, March 6, 2009

Broken Ankle

Some of you know that I broke my ankle on January 17, 2009. I wish I could say it was doing something cool, like skiing or ice skating, but it wasn't. I tripped stepping off a curb and came down full weight on my ankle and it broke in three places and was dislocated. It wasn't even icy! The top 2 pictures are me on my way to the doctor to have my cast removed. I'm now in a walking boot and slowly adding pressure. I could not put pressure on it for 6 weeks! My sister bought me this shirt, because she has a wicked sense of humor! The third picture is my cast with how long my leg hair had gotten and the bottom picture is my scar from the surgery after I got my cast off, oh yeah, I forgot to mention I had to have surgery to have a plate and a pin put in. I have more pictures from just after it happened but I did not want to gross anyone out, so if you want to see them, let me know, I'll email them to you.