Friday, January 9, 2009

Smithsonian Exhibit "Between Fences"

I know it has been too long since a post. I've been a little preoccupied with planning for our library to receive a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian. The exhibit is called "Between Fences", and you guessed it, it is about fences! Sounds boring doesn't it. Well, it isn't! The Smithsonian does everything well and even this exhibit about fences is fantastic! The first picture is the introduction fence (isn't the picket fence quaint), and two of the free standing exhibit boards describing different aspects of fences.

Picture 2 is a display I created of 6 local history pictures that I had blown up to poster size. The pictures are of historical fences from this area. Picture 3 is the other 3 free standing boards. Picture 4 is of the people who put the exhibit together, and picture 5 is the cake we served at the open house celebrating the exhibit earlier this week. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

Wow! That looks awesome and like a lot of hard work. Way to go. Hope you had a great Christmas. Miss you