Friday, March 6, 2009

Broken Ankle

Some of you know that I broke my ankle on January 17, 2009. I wish I could say it was doing something cool, like skiing or ice skating, but it wasn't. I tripped stepping off a curb and came down full weight on my ankle and it broke in three places and was dislocated. It wasn't even icy! The top 2 pictures are me on my way to the doctor to have my cast removed. I'm now in a walking boot and slowly adding pressure. I could not put pressure on it for 6 weeks! My sister bought me this shirt, because she has a wicked sense of humor! The third picture is my cast with how long my leg hair had gotten and the bottom picture is my scar from the surgery after I got my cast off, oh yeah, I forgot to mention I had to have surgery to have a plate and a pin put in. I have more pictures from just after it happened but I did not want to gross anyone out, so if you want to see them, let me know, I'll email them to you.


Stacey Mortensen said...

Hey Amy, thanks for posting pictures of your injury. Camden LOVED your shirt! We hope you are doing better every day!

Rochelle said...

Wow. I am so sorry to hear about all of that. What a pain! I love the shirt too. Hope you continue to recover and heal soon.

Ruthanne said...

Hey we can compare skars!!! I think that yours is longer than mine, although I think mine is a little more disgusting!! LOL So sorry to hear about that, hope the healing goes quickly. I know how it is to be down and out. It really really stinks!!

Ruthanne said...

man should have checked the spelling first!!! that would be scars!!!